Four ways to fix your cough

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Coughing is our body’s way of removing a foreign irritant or mucus from the upper or lower respiratory tract.

A cough can occur as a result of a number of conditions, including allergies, irritants, medications, viral and bacterial infections and gastric reflux.

Four ways to fix your cough

Remedies that may help provide relief from a cough
Decongestant – clearing congested airways
Mucolytic – breaks up mucus
Expectorant – helps to loosen and expel mucus
Antitussive – relives a cough
Demulcent – soothes irritated mucous membranes

#1 Inhalation
Using an inhalation of essential oils may be a convenient and effective way to soothe a cough.

The easiest way is to simply add 3-4 drops of your chosen oil to a handkerchief, hold it to your nose and inhale as needed.

Another method is steam inhalation. Add 5-10 drops of oil to a bowl of steaming water, with a towel placed over your head. Close your eyes and place your head over the bowl, and slowly breathe in and out for a few minutes.

Essential oils that may be of benefit for cough relief include:
Cedarwood – expectorant
Eucalyptus – decongestant, expectorant
Spike lavender – expectorant, mucolytic
Pine- antiseptic – expectorant

#2 Syrups
Using a herbal cough syrup may help to provide relief from an irritating cough. A cough syrup that contains an extract of ivy leaf is a good choice as it may help to soothe your cough by: breaking down mucus, acting as an expectorant and relieving catarrh.

#3 Lozenges & gargles
Herbal throat lozenges and gargles may help to soothe an inflamed and irritated throat which can lead to painful fits of coughing.

Using a lozenge that contains echinacea may help to relieve inflammation and improve resistance to infection.

Herbs for sore throats and coughs that can be prepared as a tea and then gargled when cooled include:
Sage – anti-inflammatory
Thyme – antibacterial, expectorant, antispasmodic

Four ways to fix your cough

#4 Herbal teas & hot drinks
When you have a cough, it’s important to stay hydrated to prevent any mucus from getting thick and sticky. Fluids can help to thin out mucus, making it easier to expel.

To make a great hot drink when you have a cough, add fresh ginger slices, manuka honey and fresh lemon juice to a mug of hot water. Ginger is warming and helps to break up mucus.

Herbal teas that may be of benefit when you have a cough include:
Marshmallow – demulcent
Liquorice – demulcent, expectorant

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